Zoning_February to April 1964ZONING 795
Book Page
Council considers proposed amendment
to Zoning Ordinance providing parking
for hospitals - 1 space for 1 hospital
bed, applicable South of Lincoln Road.
Ordinance given 1st & 2nd readings.
2-19-64 46 440
Ord. #1509 adopted placing property
South of Lincoln Road in Height District
No. 5, providing parking for hospitals
at ratio of 1 space for 1 hospital bed.
3-4-64 46 460
Ord. #1510 adopted amending Zoning Ord.
to provide for construction of 14 -story
hospitals in Height District No. 5.
3-4-64 46 460
Book Page
Hearing re. changing certain requirements
in connection with every building hereafter
constructed to provide permanent parking
spaces throughout life of building for
various types of occupancy. Suggestions
made. Hearing continued to April 15, 1964.
3-18-64 46 478
Lear School requests zoning
hearing to rezone Lot B, Indian Beach
Corp's Sub. (property on east side of
Pine Tree Dr. from 44th to 45th Sts.)
from "RA" Estate to "RE" Multiple Family
District in which district private schools
are permitted. Res. #11185 adopted calling
hearing on 5/6/64. 3-18-64 46 478
Hearing conducted re. amending zoningook Page
ordinance so as to provide for $25.00
charge to defray costs of hearings held
held by Zoning Board on variances. Ordinance
given 1st reading. 3-18-64 46 478
Alfred Aronovitz requests "variance" to
permit erection of 14 story apt. house
at 100 Lincoln Rd. (S.E. cor. Lincoln Rd.
& Collins Ave.) Mr. Aronovitz advised
Council would have to call zoning hearing
to take in all of the area south of
Lincoln oRoad616Res. #11188 adopted calling
hearing/to co seder excluding said property
from Height District No.5.
4-1-64 46 488