Zoning_June to July 1964ZONING 804 Book Page 1st readingordinance excluding from Height Disrict No. 5 and including in Height District No. 4 (14 story) Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Blk 55, Fisher's First Sub. and that parcel of land abutting Lots 7, 8 and 9 and the southerly i of Lincoln Road on the east, etc. ALSO excluding from Height District No. 5 and including in Height District No. 2, Lots 6 and 13, Blk 55, Fisher's First Sub., and that parcel of land abutting said Lot 6 on the east, etc. 6-17-64 47 94 (S.E. cor. Collins Ave. & Lincoln Rd.) ZONING 805 Book Page Res. #11250 calling hearing on 7/15/64 to consider removing area South of Lincoln Road from present 8 -story height limitation and placing same or such portion thereof as Council deems proper, into 14 -story height limitation. 6-17-64 47 95 Hearing conducted in connection with proposed changes in regulations governing auto rental agencies, and providing for automobile rental sub -agencies. Changes outlined briefly by City Clerk. Hearing continued to 7/15/64. 7-1-64 47 100 ZONING Hearing conducted re. setbacks on w. Side Collins Ave. bet. 63rd & 65th Streets and bet. Collins Ave. & Ind. Cr. Dr. (portion of Blk 7, 2nd Ocean Front Sub.) denied. 3rd reading ordinance cor. Collins Ave. & Lincoln Rd. to permit 14 -story building. Ord. #1517 adopted. Mayor Richard to make investigation re. bulkhead extensions in this area and acquisition of land by upland owner, whether it is public land. 7-1-64 47 104 806 Book Page Zoning change 7-1-64 47 re. rezoning S.E. 100