Zoning_July 1964ZONING 807
Book Page
James McGlynn asks for reconsideration
of Council's action in denying his
request for change in setback require-
ments on portions of property in Blk 7,
2nd O.F. now in Area District No. 34.
No further action taken. 7-1-64 47 105
Councilman Turchin requests City Mgr.
to ascertain,if somethingcan be done
to correct situation regrding non-
conforming filling stations in M.B.,
to see if they can be rebuilt. City Atty
to check into possibility of amending
the zoning ord. re, outlawingnon-conforming
uses after a certain number f years.
7-1-64 47 116
Book Page
Hearing conducted on proposed amendments
to zoning ordinance and Code pertaining
to auto rental industry. Servicing cars
on streets and parking lots discussed.
1st reading ordinance providing for
auto rental sub -agencies. 7-15-64 47 117
Hearing conducted re. request to rezone
333 Arthur Godfrey Rd. (N.E. cor. A.Godfrey
Rd. & Sheridan Ave.) from "RE" to"BAA:
Denied. 7-15-64 47 130
Hearing to consider amending zoning ord.
to drcrasiglsacts
Lincoln andInenmeoL4
stories- continued to next meeting.
7-15-6 47
Book Page
Hearing continued on proposal to
exclude property South of Lincoln Rd.
from Height District No. 5 (limiting
buildings to 8 stories). Motion made
by Councilman Richard to place all of
City in 8 story limit. Motion withdrawn.
Hight District hearing concluded. Action
deferred until Oct. 7, 1964.
8-5-64 47 149
Res. #11265 calling hearing to consider
placing all parcels of land north of
northerly line of Lincoln Road Mall, or
such parcel or parcels as Council deems appro-
priate, in Height District of 8 stories.
'hearing Oct. 7, 1964) 8-5-64 47 150