Zoning_August to September 1964ZONING 810 Book Page City Mgr. submits suggestions re. "flat signs" and electrical signs. Res. #11266 adopted calling zoning hearing to consider proposed regulations. City Mgr. & Chief Bldg. Inspector to meet with representative of sign industry to discuss matter before any action is taken. 8-5-64 47 154 Res. #11271 calling zoning hearing so as to delete or modify certain restrictions in regulations in Sec. 6 applicable to restaurants in "BAA" Business Districts which would permit Burger King to build on 41st St. (Hearing called for 9/2/64) 8-5-64 47 157 ZONING 811 Book Page 3rf0, reading ordinance amending zoning ordinance providing regulations for auto rental agencies and sub -agencies. Ord. X1518 8-5-64 47 160 Res. $11283 calling zoning hearing to consider rezoning Lot 2, Blk 2,Harding Townsite from BA to BB Business District. (10/7/64) (retail bakery use)9-2-64 47 197 Hearing re. flat signs and revolving and rotating signs continued to Sept. 17, 1964. City Mgr. to check into ordinance proposed by former City Mgr. Renshaw re. above. 9-2-64 47 209 ZONING 812 Book Page Hearing conducted re. change of regulations governing restaurants in "BAA" (Burger King). Ordinance to be prepared. 9-2-64 47 207 No action on suggestion of Morton Burack that Council re-examine the Lincoln -Collins Height District change (property owned by Malone Properties) 9-2-64 47 207 1st reading amendment to Zoning Ordinance applicable to restaurants to "DAA", deleting portion of Item 3, re.counters. 9-17-64 47 215