Zoning_February to March 1965ZONING 825
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Hearing continued to consider amending
Zoning Ordinance re. requirements for
providing permanent parking spaces
throughout life of building. Council-
man Galbut proposes amendment to ordinance
providing for 11/2 spaces for each hospital
bed in hospitals south of the south line
of Lincoln Road. City Mgr. to ascertain
number of spaces Mt. Sinai and St. Francis
Hospitals now have. 2-24-65 48 379
Res. x#11385 calling hearing to consider
reclassifying zoning on portions of Mt.
Sinai Hospital (April 7, 1965)
property. 3-3-65 48 382
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Hearing re. request for change to
"RE" Multiple -family, portion of Lot 43,
all of Lot 44, and portion of 45, Blk 1,
Nautilus Sub. (4230 N. Bay Rd.).
DENIED. 3-3-65 48 392
Milton Grusmark representing Doral Beach
Hotel states Bldg. Dept. requested removal
of sign at Hotel. Sign constitutes
violation in City Atty's opinion. City Mgr.
re uested to meet with Mr. Grusmark and
dept. heads involved to go into matter of
possible ambiguity in zoning law.
3-24-65 48 407
Mr. Harry Kleinman representing
Kaplan -Collins Co., owner of 7440 Collins
Ave. appears re. zoning ordinance limiting
bakeries in "BB" District. Mr. Kleinman
advised to pursue his request to operate
a bakery at 7440 Collins with Zoning Board
of Adjustment. 3-24-65 48 410
Philip Rose, owner of property at 720-730
71st Street requests approval to use this
property for funeral home purposes.
Hearing called for May 5, 1965 to consider
changing entire block from existing zoning
to "BA" Business Use District. (continued)
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