Zoning_April 1965ZONING 828
Book Page
Request for zoning hearing withdrawn; to be
pursued before Zoning Bd. Council rescinds
its previous action. 4-7-65 48 428 &
Hearing to exclude Lots 9 & 10, Blk 1,
Fleetwood Sub., from 8 story height
limitation to permit construction of
14 -story apt. bldg. (Fleetwood Hotel)
Hearing concluded. Mr. Bosem's request
for exchange of easements held in abeyance
until zoning matter is resolved.
4-7-65 48 439
Book Page
Hearing to exclude certain parcels of
land owned by Mt. Sinai Hospital from
"BAA" and "RD" and include same in "RE".
Representatives indicate they now want to
leave the BAA zoning as it is and only
rezone RD portion to RE. Council advises
if Mt. Sinai wants this property all rezoned
to RE Council could do this at present
time; if other zoning is wanted, another
hearing would have to be called. Mr. 441 &
Gertner indicates "RE" zoning as adver-
tised would be accepted. City Atty to
prepare necessary amendment to Zon. Ord. 518
4-7-65 48
Book Page
Lionel Bosem again appears re.
rezoning Fleetwood Hotel property.
Motion to call hearing to consider
eliminating 8 -story ban on construction
South of Lincoln Rd. withdrawn after
Councilman Powell advised he would like
to have a full Council before public
hearing is set. No further action.
4-21-65 49 40