Zoning_July to August 1965ZONING 8V1 1st reading ordinance establishing Book Page parking requirements for various types of occupancy. Councilman Turchin reports on work Parking Committee did on this matter. Discussion on ordinance. Motion to table ordinance indefinitely fails 2 to 5. Motion to pass ordinance on 1st reading fails 2 to 5. 7-21-65 49 172 Zoning hearing to consider amending ordinance relative to Height District for property South of Lincoln Road. Cof C favors removal of height limitations with control as to percentage of land use. (cont.) ZONING 85 (cont.) Book Page Leonard Turkel, gen. contractor, speaks in favor of proposal. Simon Rubin speaks on behalf of M.B. Taxpayers Ass'n. 181 Hearing concluded. Motion made to exclude area South of Lincoln Road from 8 story height limitation and to & include same in 14 story District. Motion carries. 7-21-65 49 184 Demaris Investing Co., owners of Lots 5 & 6, Altos del Mar #1 and Lot 6, Blk 10, and Lot 6, Blk 11, Altos del Mar #1, ask for zoning hearing to rezone property from "RC Estate and "RD's Sing1 Family to "RE" Multiple Family (cont..) ZONING $n6 (cont.) Book Page Res. #11576 calling hearing on 9/15/65. 7-21-65 49 189 Letter from Zoning Bd. recommending amendment to Zoning Ordinance re. parking space requirements on Parkview Island. 7-21-65 49 196 1st reading ordinance eliminating 8 -story 1�ight limitation South of Lincoln Road. (He± ht Dist#5) Ordinance passes on 1st and 2nd readings by vote of 5 to 2. 8-4-65 49 202