Zoning_August 1965ZONING zoning 87 Res. #11583 calling/hearing on Book Page 9/1/65 to consider proposed change (recommended by Zon. Bd.) - deleting provision which states that subject property may not be :separated from the parking area by any street or alley. 8-4-65 49 206 Adrian Thal asks that Lots 1,2 & 3, Blk 3, Orchard Sub. #4 (333 -41st St.) be rezoned in "BA". Hearing called for Oct. 20. 8-18-65 49 221 ZONING 838 o City Atty directed to prepare amendment Page to Code increasing horsepower of power boats permitted to be used as accessory use in oceanfront hotels. City Mgr. to obtain Marine Board's recommendation. 8-11-65 49 217 3rd reading of ordinance amending Zoning Ord. by deleting any reference to Height Dist. #5 (8 -story height limitation) south of Lincoln Road. MOTION FOR ADOPTION OF ORD. FAILS. 8-18-65 49 222 ZONING 8 3 (on 9/15) Book Page Res. #11589 calling zoning hearing to consider placing all property North of Lincoln Rd. in District limiting height of buildings to 8 stories (Heiaht Dist. #5) 8-18-65 49 223 Res. #11597 calling zoning hearing on 10/7/65 to consider increasing horsepower of power boats permitted as accessory use in oceanfront hotels to 10 h.p. as recommended by Marine Advisory Board. 8-18-65 49 234