Zoning_October to November 1965ZONING 843
1st and 2nd reading ord. amending Book Page
Zoning Ord. increasing horsepower of
small craft used at ocean front hotels
to 10 h.p. 10-20-65 49 339
Zoning hearing re. 1819 West Ave. -
to exclude from "BB" and include in "BC"
Lot 14, Blk 12, Island View Sub.
Continuance of hearing to 12/1/65 approved.
No vote taken on motion to call hearing to
consider rezoning W. z of Blk 12 in "BC".
11-3-65 49 396
Discussion re. proposed change of
Book Page
zoning N. E. cor. Arthur Godfrey Rd.
and Sheridan Ave. from "RE" to "BAA".
Motion to deny application fails.
Motion to grant change of zoning fails.
11-3-65 49 398
Res. 411652 adopted calling zoning hearing 12//15r
so as to consider amending Zoning Ordinance
to include "Transportation Services" as
an accessory use in hotels having 100 or
more rooms. 11-3-65 49 400
Ord. 41568 adopted, increasing horse Book Page
power of small craft used at oceanfront
hotels to 10 h.p. City Mgr. to reply
to communication from manufacturer of
these boats requesting that in inclement
weather they be permitted to operate in
inland waterways, that same is prohibited
by ordinance. 11-10-65 49 411