Zoning_November to December 1965ZONING 846
Ord. 41568 adopted, increasing hp of Book Page
small craft used at oceanfront hotels
to 10 h.p. City Mgr. to reply to mfgr.
of these boats that his request to permit
operation of these boats in inland waterways
in inclement weather is prohibited by
ordinance. 11-10-65 49 411
Dave Alper asks for rezoning of Lots 5 & 8,
Block 10, Ocean Front Property, to "BA".
Res. #11668 calling hearing on 1/5/66.
12-1-65 49 450
Request for rezoning Lot 14, Blk 12,
Island View Sub. withdrawn.
12-1-65 49 452
Res. #11673 calling zoning hearing
Book Page
on 1/19/66 to consider placing Lots 1,
2 & 3, Blk 3, Orchard Sub. #4 from
"RE" to "BAA" Business District. (333 Arthur
Godfrey Rd.) 12-15-65 49 469
Motion for preparation of ordinance to
provide that once denied an application for
rezoning cannot be resubmitted for the same
change for a period of 1 year from date of
denial fails. 12-15-65 49 470
Hearing to consider including Book Page
"Transportation Services" as an
accessory use in hotels having loo or
more rooms. Denied. 12-15-65 49 472
Hearing held re request to rezone
Lots 5 & 8, Blk 10, OCean Front Property
to "BA" from "REE". Hearing concluded,
action deferred. 1-5-66 50 13
Hearing held re. request to rezone
N. E. cor. Arthur Godfrey Rd. & Sheridan
Ave. from RE to BAA (Lots 1,2,3, Blk 3,
Orchard Sub. 44) City Atty. to prepare
ordinanCe making zoning change. 50 44