Zoning_February 1966ZONING 852 Report from Development Commission Book Page re. Height Ordinance. Committee appointed consisting of Mike Reuben, City Engineer, and Councilman Turchin to meet and make recommendations to Council at next regular meeting . 2-2-66 50 76 3rd reading ordinance excluding from REE and including in BA, Lots 5 & 8, Blk 10, Ocean Front Property (N.E. cor. 29th St. and Indian Creek Drive) Ord. #1575 2-16-66 50 95 ZONING $83 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance amending Zoning Ord. excluding from RE and including in BAA District, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Blk 3, Orchard Sub. 44 (N.E. cor. Sheridan Ave. & Arthur Godfrey Rd) Ord. #1576 2-16-66 50 96 Res. 411748 calling hearing to exclude Lots 4 & 5 and S. 19.71 ft. of Lot 6, Blk 3, Orchard Sub. #4 from"RE"and include same in "BAA" Business District. (hearing 3/16/66) 2-16-66 50 97 ZONING $84 Book Page Res. 411749 calling hearing 3/16/66 to exclude Banks and Savings & Loan Asstns from "RE" and include same in "BAA" Business District. 2-16-66 50 97 Report of committee on proposed changes in Height requirements in Zoning Ord. Res. 411751 adopted calling hearing on March 16, to consider amending Zon. Ord. 2-16-66 50 100 Hearing to consider rezoning of the Sea isle Hotel property (3001 Collins Ave.) withdrawn. 2-16-66 50 114