Zoning_April 1966ZONING $61 Hearing re. rezoning N.W. cor. Book Page Meridian Ave. & 17th St. (lot 1 and 5.121 ft. Lot 2, Blk 21, Golf Course Sub. from "RE" to "BAA" Request for rezoning denied. 4-13-66 50 226 Hearing to exclude from 1 -story to 2 -story cabana district, property on e. side Collins Ave. in 50s. 1st and 2nd readings ordinance granting changes in Cabana Districts .as requested. 4-13-66 50 227 & 230 ZONING X62 Book Page Request to rezone Jefferson Nat'l Bank property from "RE" to "BAA" again considered. Request denied. 4-13-66 50 229 Action on proposal to amend Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to Banks and Savings & Loan Associations deferred indefinitely. 4-13-66 50 229 Request for hearing to consider rezoning property on E. side of Pine Tree Dr. bet. 44th and 45th Sts. from"RA" Estate District to "RE" Multiple -family. Res. #11812 adopted calling hearing on May 4, 1966. (Cor property) 4-13-66 50 230 ZONIG Book Page City Atty instructed to prepare appro- priate ord. amending Zoning ordinance re. changes in Height Regulations necessitated by Hurricane Betsy. 4-13-66 50 230 Ord. #1584 adopted placing in "BAAA" Business District area on West side of Washington Ave. immediately North of M.B. Fed. (site of Jr. Chamber International) 4-13-66 50 231 1st reading amendment to Zon. Ordinance re. changes in HEIGHT regulations. 4-13-66 50 242