Zoning_August to September 1966ZONING 879 Book Page Interim Zoning Hearing continued to 3:00 P.M., 9/21/66 and City Mgr. requested to arrange workshop review with Council of total interim zoning, prior to 9/21/66 meeting. 8-24-66 50 514 Res. #11929 adopted calling Hearing on Oct. 26, 1966 at 11 A.M. to consider amending Zoning Ordinance to allow apartment hotels with over 200 units to have as accessory uses for their tenants only, dining rooms, coffee shops, etc. 9-7-66 51 5 880 ZONING Book Page Res. #11930 adopted calling Zoning Hearing on 10/12/66 at 10 Am. re. increasing charges for Zoning Hearings and Hearings before the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 9-7-66 51 14 Decision on 20th Street zoning deferred to next regular meeting. 9-7-66 51 24 Council directs City Atty to prepare ordinance changing zoning on the north side of 20th St. from North Bay Rd. west from "BD" to 9B21.66 51 40 ZONING 881 Book Page Interim Zoning Hearing continued. Res. #11942 adopted providing that Phase I and Phase II of the Compre- hensive Development Plan be adopted as the Official Comprehensive Develop- ment Plan for the City. Hearing closed. Res. #11943 adopted calling public hearing on 10/12/66 at 2 PM to consider change in parking regulations as recommended by Development Commission. 9-21-66 51 44