Zoning_September to October 1966ZONING 882 Book Page Hearing called for 10/26/66 at 11 AM re. accessory uses for apartment hotels, etc. scheduled to be held in Cypress Room at Convention Hall. 9-21-66 51 59 1st and 2nd reading of ordinance changing zoning on 20th St. (Lots 22-35, inc. Block 15A, Island View Addn) from "BD" to "BB". 9-21-66 51 60 ZONING 883 Book Page Communication from Margaret M. Peters, 2111 Lucerne Ave., re. boat works on 20th St., referred to Zoning Board of Adjustment for matter scheduled 10/7/66. 10/5/66 51 76 Ord. #1610 adopted amending Zoning Ord. to change zoning on 20th St. (Lots 22-35, inc. Block 15A, Island View Addn) from "BD" to "BB". 10-5-66 51 82 ZONING 884 Book Page Res. #11958 adopted authorizing amendment to Ord. #11929, which called hearing on 10/26/66 to amend Zoning Ord. authorizing inclusion of accessory uses in apartment hotels, said amendment to include consideration of professional offices as accessory use in apartment hotels. 10-5-66 51 88 Hearing held re. new fee schedule for hearings before Council and Zoning Board and City Atty to prepare ordinance setting forth new fees. 18-12-66 51 106