Zoning_November to December 1966ZONING
Book Page
Ord. #1616 providing for new zoning fee
schedules. 11-2-66 51 147
Ordinance establishing parking require-
ments came on for 3rd reading and was
deferred to 11-23-66 in order to discuss
setback requirements with Dev. Comm.
Parking situation on West Ave. discussed.
11-2-66 51 147
Request of Miami Heart Institute to cancel
11/23/66 hearing on rezoning of Lots 12-17
and 20, Block 13, Nautilus Sub. from RD to
RE, approved without prejudice.
11-2-66 51 166
Council action re. request for accessory
uses in high rises deferred to 11/23/66.
11-9-66 51 173
Motion to call public hearing on
12/14/66 to rezone portions of Lots
43 and 45 and all of 44, Block 1,
Nautilus Subdiv. from RC to BAAA,
failed of passage. 11-23-66
Book Page889
Third reading of parking ordinance
was deferred to 11-30-66.
51 176
11-23-66 51 176
ZONING Book Page890
Council action on accessory uses in
high rise apartment bldgs. (Forte
Towers Request) deferred to 11/30/66.
11-23-66 51 187
3rd and final reading of ordinance
providing for parking regulations
fails and vote reconsidered and 3rd
reading deferred to 12/14/66.
11-30-66 51 213
Accessory uses in high rise apartment
bldgs. (Forte Towers request) denied.
11-30-66 51 224
3rd reading of parking ordinance deferred
to 12/15/66 12-14-66 51 233