Zoning_December 1966 to January 1967ZONING Book Page
Res. #11996 - calling hearing to consider
rezoning property - east side of Pine
Tree Dr. opposite 45th St. (Consolo)
12-14-66 51 240
3rd reading of Parking regulation ordinance
deferred until next meeting and City Atty
instructed to prepare an ordinance with
respect to land usage to be presented at
same time. 12-15-66 51 258
3rd reading of parking regulation ordinance
deferred to subsequent meeting at same
time as 3rd reading of land use ordinance.
12-21-66 51 270
ZONING Book Page892
Complaint that parking spaces rewired
for tenants being leased commercially
discussed and Council advised that
citation issued for violation of ordi-
nance. City Atty to insert definition
in proposed parking ordinance to
clarify. 12-21-66 51 270
1st and 2nd reading of land use ordinance.
3rd reading deferred to recess meeting
on 1/11/67 at 11 am for citizens' comments.
3rd reading of parking ordinance deferred
to same recess meeting. 12-21-66 51 273
ZONING Book Page893
Res. #12022 calling hearing, 2/8/67, for
rezoning property east side of Pine Tree Dr.
44th to 46th Sts., creating new Use District
"REG" Multiple Family District. Applicant furnishes
amendment to request for hearing including
description of zoning sought. 1-4-67 51 313
Request by owners of condominiums at 921
Meridian Ave. for permission to use parking
spaces which are not required for parking,
as patios, discussed and applicants advised
to apply to Zoning Board of Adjustment.
1-11.147 51 321