Zoning_February 1967ZONING Book Page 897 Res. #12049 calling hearing to consider rezoning of City property, West side of Washington Ave., north of Miami Beach Federal, (proposed site of JCI headquarters) from "BAAA" to "RD" 2-15-67 51 393 Action on employment of special counsel to assist in defense of Manilow zoning suit, deferred for further report. 2-15-67 51 402 Res. #12052 calling hearing 3/22/68 to con- sider amending Zoning Ord. to qprovide that applicants for zoning changes and/or variances and persons appearing for or against be re- quired to testify under oath, and providing penalty for false testimony. 2-15-67 51 403 ZONING 898 Book Page Hearing held and concluded re. establishing new harbor line and oceanfront setback require- ments (Biscayne St. to 6th St.). Discussion held re. recommendations of Planning & Zoning Dept. for 20' setback. Public Works Dept. recom- mends 75' setback based on length of lots. Councilman Seiderman moves that line be set 75' from bulkhead. Councilman Powell's motion to defer action on the matter, and that the City Manager arrange for an "on site" inspection, carries. 2-22-67 51 406 Consideration of employment of special counsel re. Manilow zoning suit deferred. 2-22-67 51 408 ZONING Zoning hearing re. rezoning of property east side of Pine Tree Dr. opposite 45th St. (Consolo property) concluded dnd matter taken under advisement. 2-22-67 51 409 Action on rezoning of Consolo property on Pine Tree Dr. and 45th St. deferred to Mar. 22, 1967 for full council. 3-1-67 51 414 1st and 2nd readings of ordinance establishing setback requirements from harbor line along oceanfront from Biscayne St. to 6th St. 3-1-67 51 418 899 Book Page