Zoning_October 1967ZONING Phase III of Development Commission plan re. Parking and Land Use ordinances expedited. 10-4-67 Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings establishing regulations re. projections into inland waterways -docks, dolphins, etc. Notice to be placed in newspapers that adoption of ordinance will be considered on 11/1/67 at 11:30 a.m. Dr. Weil and City Attorney to confer in interim re. inclusion of provision in ordinance to removal of broken piling, etc. from waterways. 10-18-67 921. BOOK PAGE 52 333 52 340 ZONING Ordinance 1669 adopted amending ordinance to include PET SHOPS in "BC" Business Use District. 10-18-67 52 348 Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings including Breitbart property (4230 North Bay Road) in RDE Restricted Multiple Family District and Area District No. 13. 10-18-67 52 348 Action re. establishment of waiting time before reapplication may be made for change of zoning or variance which has been denied, deferred to 11/1/67. 10-18-67 52 359 yLL BOOK PAGE 923 BOOK PAGE ZONING Res. #12262 adopted calling hearing on 11/8/67 at 10 a.m. to reclassify site on Washington Avenue immediately South of 17th St. in "BAAA" for JCI headquarters. 10-18-67 Hearing concluded and amending ordinance re- jected re. to permit convalescent homes and/or extended care facilities in certain areas south of 5th Street. Planning & Zoning Di rector/e8ds&8iggdations from Development Commission and report re. estab- lishing standards for such facilities. Ad- ministrators of Mt. Sinai Hospital, St. Francis and Heart Institute to be contacted 52 359