Zoning_October to November 1967ZONING re. how they view convalescent homes & their intention to establish such facilities in connection with their hospitals. 10-25-67 52 369 Hearing held re. ordinance establishing regulations on projection of dolphins, etc., into inland waterways. City Attorney to incorporate amendments suggested by Marine Inspection Board in ordinance for presentation 11/15/67. 11-1-67 52 376 Breitbart Ordinance #1670 adopted placing/property at 4230 North Bay Road in RDE Restricted Multiple Family District. 11-1-67 52 378 924 BOOK PAGE ZONING Ordinance #1670 placing property at 4230 North Bay Road in "RDE" Restricted Multiple Family District and Area District No. 13. City Attorney advised that more than one 4 -unit building can be constructed. 11-1-67 Consideration of provisions to establish waiting periods between applications for zoning or variance changes which have been denied, deferred to 11/15/67. 11-1-67 ZONING Hearing continued to 12/6/67, 2 p.m., re. consideration of change in zoning from RD to BAAA city -owned property on west side of Washington Avenue south of 17 St. (proposed JCI headquarters site). Res. #12275 setting forth that Council to continue negotiations to accomplish retention of JCI in City. Paul Steinberg of M. B. Jaycees to inform Warwick Kent of this. 11-8-67 Ordinance 1676 establishing regulations re. projections of dolphins into inland waterways. 11-15-67 925 BOOK PAGE 52 378 52 390 925A BOOK PAGE 52 396 52 401