Zoning_December 1967 to January 1968ZONING
Action re. hearing to rezone Lots 1, 2, 3,
Block 20, ADM #1 (southwest corner of Collins
Ave. and 80th St.) in RE Multiple Family District
deferred to 1/3/68. 12-20-67 52 472
Ordinance/adopted excluding from RD Single
Family and including BAAA Business District,
City -owned property South of 17th Street on
Washington Ave. (proposed JCI headquarters)
1-3-68 52 476
Action on request of Plaza 800 for permission
to designate 111 units as hotel unit for pur-
pose of eventually applying for liquor license
deferred to 1/10/68 to be placed on agenda prior
to Development Commission hearing. Plaza 800
attorney to submit written proof of compliance
with City, Hotel and Restaurant Commission re-
quirements. City Manager to have inspection
made and to submit recommendations. 1-3-68 52 478
Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings to
establish waiting period when zoning changes or
variances have been denied providing for basis
also of withdrawals with and without prejudice.
1-3-68 52 478
Request for hearing re. property at southwest
corner of Collins Ave. and 80th Street deferred
to 1/17/68. (Filisof) 1-3-68
52 491
Report re. recreation rooms converted from
parking spaces at 949 Pennsylvania Ave. and
1545 Euclid Avenue filed for info. only.
1-3-68 52 493
Application of Plaza 800, 800 West Avenue,
approved for recognition of 111 apartment
units as hotel rooms. 1-10-68 52 495