Zoning_February to March 1968ZONING
Res. #12357 calling hearing on 4/17/68 re. amend-
ment to permit rental of sailboats in the BAA
Business District as accessory use in 100 -room
hotel and on recommendations of Marine Advisory
and Inspection Board. 2-21-68 53 25
Resolution submitted by Taxpayers Association
approving in principle Phase III of Development
Plan withdrawn at request of Bayard Strell.
2-21-68 53 26
Res. #12362 adopted calling hearing on 4/17/68
to amend ordinance that it is unlawful for any
person to park a truck, tractor, etc. on any
parcel of land of City zoned as "RAA", "RA",
irRBrr, "RC", "RD" and "RDD" Use Districts except
while loading or unloading, etc. 3-6-68 53 52
Res. #12363 adopted calling hearing 4/17/68 re.
amending ordinance to prohibit parking of boats
and trailers, unattached, and other vehicles,
not motorized, on public streets. 3-6-68 53 52
Ordinance/adopted amending code making it unlaw-
ful to keep horses, poultry, etc. in any use
district zoned Residential. 3-6-68 53 54
Hearing re. rental of sailboats at Morton Towers
Docks scheduled for 4/17/68 cancelled at request
of E. Einhorn without prejudice. 3-6-68 53 59
Res. #12386 calling hearing re. Mt. Sinai rezoning
dredged area in "RE" Multiple Family District,
4/17/68. 3-20-68 53 82
Mt. Sinai request for permits for construction
on filled land to be considered 4/17/68.
3-20-68 53 84
Report on stabling site for Big Red--Ojus
property suggested --search continued for possible
solution for stabling of horse within reasonable