Zoning_April to May 1968ZONING
hospital's timetable and projected plans for
development of newly -filled land which City has
been requested to rezone to "RE" Multiple -Family
Use. Planning & Development Commissions' recom-
mendations re. request, noted. 4-17-68 53 126
Ordinance passed on 1st & 2nd readings amending
Sec. 21 by defining word "area" to mean: 'not
less than 400 ft. of frontage on any public
street or way, or parcel of land not less than
80,000 sq. ft. of land'. Request made that
resolutions & notices to public also contain
information re. amount of footage, etc., in-
volved (similar to Metro). 4-17-68 53 128
Hearing re. oceanfront setbacks --67th Street to
75th Street --continued to 5/1/68. Representative
of owners on oceanfront between 71st & 72nd Sts.
advised of possible adverse effect of proposal on
this property & future development. 4-17-68 53 129
Chief Building Inspector reported court action
set for 5/9/68 re. enforcement of zoning laws
in Gingrich boat violations. City Attorney
requested to review. 4-17-68 53 150
M. B. Taxpayers' Ass'n. resolution filed re.
Council establishing policy to retain one -family
residential use area bounded by 42nd Street on
South, Indian Creek on East, Allison & La Gorce
Islands on North. 4-17-68 53 151
Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings re.
parking of trucks, etc., boats & boat trailers
on private property & streets. City Manager
requested to investigate complaint of Harry
Venzer, 800 West Ave., re. hazard caused by
boats parked on West Ave. north of 5th Street.
5-1-68 53 156
Ordinance/adopted defining area to mean "not
less than 400 feet of frontage on any public
street or way, or parcel of land not less than