Zoning_May 1968ZONING 80,000 sq. ft.". 950 BOOK PAGE 5-1-68 53 157 Hearing concluded re. proposal to establish 40' setback from bulkhead line (oceanfront 67 St. - 75 St.), taken under advisement to 5/15/68. In interim, proposal to be re-evaluated taking into consideration depth of properties, etc. H. Magnes held lengthy discussion re. Carriage House bulkhead construction. 5-1-68 Hearing concluded --request for classification of Hospital newly filled land in "RE" Multiple Family District denied. Res. #12423 adopted calling hearing on 6/5/68 to consider ZONING 53 174 951 BOOK PAGE reclassifying newly filled land (presently "RD") in new Hospital Classification prescribing parking, etc., requirements. Mr. Albert to meet with City Attorney re. proposed zoning amendment. 5-15-68 53 t82 #1694 Ordinance/adopted re. parking of trucks, boats, etc., on private property & public streets. 5-15-68 53 190 City Attorney to prepare appropriate ordinance for 7/3/68 providing new Area District #77 with front yard setback of 40' from oceanside of property, 67th to 75th Sts. 5-15-68 53 197 ZONING Res. #12433 adopted calling hearing 6/5/68 to consider excluding from "BA" District & to include in "RE" Multiple Family District & appropriate area district, Lots 1 and 2, Block 116, Ocean Beach Addn. #4 (465 Ocean Drive). 5-15-68 53 199 Recommendation for amendment to ordinance re. so as to require appropriate setbacks when business zoned property is used for multiple - family purposes --Planning & Zoning Director to submit recommendations at 6/5/68 meeting. 5-15-68 53 203 952 BOOK PAGE