Zoning_May 1968ZONING
80,000 sq. ft.".
5-1-68 53 157
Hearing concluded re. proposal to establish 40'
setback from bulkhead line (oceanfront 67 St. -
75 St.), taken under advisement to 5/15/68. In
interim, proposal to be re-evaluated taking
into consideration depth of properties, etc.
H. Magnes held lengthy discussion re. Carriage
House bulkhead construction. 5-1-68
Hearing concluded --request for classification
of Hospital newly filled land in "RE" Multiple
Family District denied. Res. #12423 adopted
calling hearing on 6/5/68 to consider
53 174
reclassifying newly filled land (presently "RD")
in new Hospital Classification prescribing parking,
etc., requirements. Mr. Albert to meet with City
Attorney re. proposed zoning amendment. 5-15-68 53 t82
Ordinance/adopted re. parking of trucks, boats,
etc., on private property & public streets.
5-15-68 53 190
City Attorney to prepare appropriate ordinance
for 7/3/68 providing new Area District #77 with
front yard setback of 40' from oceanside of
property, 67th to 75th Sts. 5-15-68 53 197
Res. #12433 adopted calling hearing 6/5/68 to
consider excluding from "BA" District & to include
in "RE" Multiple Family District & appropriate
area district, Lots 1 and 2, Block 116, Ocean
Beach Addn. #4 (465 Ocean Drive). 5-15-68 53 199
Recommendation for amendment to ordinance re.
so as to require appropriate setbacks when
business zoned property is used for multiple -
family purposes --Planning & Zoning Director to
submit recommendations at 6/5/68 meeting.
5-15-68 53 203