Zoning_May to June 1968ZONING 953 BOOK PAGE Request of property owners in Biscayne Beach Sub- division for 3 -story height limitation referred to Administration, Planning & Zoning Director & Planning Commission for recommendation. 5-15-68 53 205 Res. #12445 adopted calling hearing 7/10/68 re. proposed parking requirements & lot coverage as related to Development Commission's Plan. 6-5-68 53 222 Action on amendment to ordinance re. setbacks for business property to be used for multi -family purposes deferred to 6/26/68. 6-5-68 53 229 ZONING 953A Date Zoning hearing continued to June 26, 1968, to 6/5/ 68 consider reclassification of Mt. Sinai Hospital newly filled land to new hospital classification, continued to June 26, 1968, at 10:00 a.m. (Council Memo No. 1338) (See Mt. Sinai Hospital) ZONING Hearing to consider excluding Lots 1 & 2, Block 116, OB Add'n #4 (465 Ocean Drive) from "BA" and to include in "RE" & appropriate Area District continued to 6/26/68, at 2:00 p.m. 6-5-68 Hearing Mt. Sinai Zoning concluded --ordinance passed 1st & 2nd readings creating new Hospital District & placing Mt. Sinai newly -filled land therein. 6-26-68 954+ BOOK PAGE 53 237 53 241 465 Ocean Drive hearing concluded --City Attorney to prepare ordinance placing property in RE Multiple Family District & appropriate area district for consideration on 7/3/68. 6-26-68 53 256