Zoning_June to July 1968ZONING 955 BOOK PAGE Action deferred to 7/17/68 re. new setbacks for business property when used for multiple -family purposes. 6-26-68 53 268 Res. #12466 calling hearing 8/7/68 to consider reclassifying property on oceanfront from 71 St. south to 69 St. from "BA" to "RE" Multiple Family & appropriate area district. Manager to contact other affected property owners. 7-3-68 53 278 Action deferred to 7/17/68 re. amendment to ordinance establishing setbacks --oceanfront, 67th to 75th Streets. City Attorney to notify Attorney Tom Anderson. 7-3-68 53 282 ZONING Ordinance passed on 2 readings placing 465 Ocean Drive in "RE" Multiple Family District & Area District No. 19. 7-3-68 #1703 Ordinance/adopted creating Hospital District, prescribing limitations, etc. Ordinance passed 1st & 2nd readings placing newly -filled land at Mt. Sinai Hospital in said District. Third reading 7/17/68. (City Attorney deemed it advisable to prepare individual ordinances as above.) 7-3-68 ZONING Hearing re. proposed amendments pertaining to parking requirements closed. City Attorney and Planning & Zoning Director requested to prepare ordinance for action on 7/17/68 incorporating various changes made during course of hearing & to consider suggestions made for clarification by persons attending hearing. Hearing pertaining to lot coverage regulations continued to 7/17/68. Clerk directed to place display ads in newspapers re. same, 7-10-68 Action deferred to 8/7/68 re. 3rd & final reading of ordinance reclassifying Lots 1 & 2, Block 116, OB #4 (465 Ocean Drive), in RE & Area District #19. 956 BOOK PAGE 53 282 53 287 957 BOOK PAGE 53 299 to 308