Zoning_August to September 1968ZONING
Res. #12505 adopted calling hearing 9/18/68
to reclassify Lot 5, Block 115, OB Addn. #4
(325 Ocean Drive) in "RE" Multiple Family re.
variance granted to Sam Biberman & Gus Bernstein.
8-21-68 53 380
Ordinance providing for new off-street parking
regulations & lot coverage regulations passed on
1st & 2nd readings; 3rd reading 9/18/68 after
City Attorney & Planning & Zoning Director place
into proper amendment form certain changes
desired. Motion to amend zoning ordinance to
adopt items 1 & 8-28 of parking regulations as
emergency measure failed. 9-4-68 53 403
3rd reading of ordinance deferred to 10/9/68 re.
40' setbacks on oceanfront 67th - 75th Streets
(City Attorney request) because unable to com-
municate with Attorneys Anderson & Shapiro.
9-4-68 53 416
Res. #12518 adopted calling hearing to consider
rezoning Lot 1, less East 117.5', Block 43,
Alton Beach Bayfront Sub. from BAA to RE, on
10/9/68. 9-4-68 53 423
Res. #12519 adopted calling hearing to consider
rezoning Lot 16, Block 7, Ocean Beach Sub., from
BB to RE on 10/9/68. 9-4-68 53 424
Res. #12517 adopted calling hearing 10/9/68
re. rezoning of Lot 5, Block 115, Ocean Beach
Addn. #4 (325 Ocean Drive) from BAA to RE. 9-4-68 53 439
Final reading of amended ordinance providing for
new off-street parking & lot coverage regulations
deferred to 10/9/68. 9-18-68 53 448
Permit granted --use of Bermuda Apartments, 1721
Meridian Avenue, by Washington Federal Savings &
Loan Association in conduct of its savings & loan
association business. 9-18-68 53 452