Zoning_September 1968ZONING Hearing concluded re. property on oceanfront between 69th & 71st Streets, & action deferred to 10/9/68 to rezone from BA to RE. Large map reflecting properties involved in hearing to be prepared, names, etc., of buildings situated thereon & all applicable information. Council voted to exclude from rezoning property owned by Golden Sands Hotel (Lots 5 & 6, Block A, Atlantic Heights Sub.). 9-18-68 53 455 Hearing re. banks & savings & loan associations continued to 10/9/68 re. excluding them from RE Multiple Family District. City Attorney to submit recommendations how ordinance can be 966 BOOK PAGE ZONING amended to protect existing banks, savings & loan associations regarding expansion of their faci- lities, & protect City from encroachment of said institutions into RE zoning classification. Indication that provision be made for vertical expansion but not horizontal. City Manager to investigate complaint re. alleged violations by certain banking &/or savings institutions of RE zoning through placement & illumination of advertising signs. 9-18-68 53 456 Res. #12525 adopted calling hearing 11/7/68 to consider request to exclude from RAA Estate District & to include in REE Multiple Family District, "STAR ISLAND". 9-18-68 53 458 967 BOOK PAGE ZONING 3rd reading of ordinance re. setbacks between 67th and 75th Streets deferred to 11/6/68. 10-9-68 968 BOOK PAGE 53 476 Res. #12532 calling hearing on 11/6/68 to con- sider excluding banks and savings and loan institutions from RE and including in BB Business District. 10-9-68 53 477 Res. #12543 calling hearing on 11/20/68 re. rezoning from BAA to RE Multiple Family: 359, 487 351, 341, 335, 321, 315 & 301 Ocean Drive. to 10-9-68 53 489