Zoning_October to November 1968ZONING
City Attorney to prepare ordinance placing
1450 Lincoln Road from BAA to RE Multiple Family
Districts, for 11/6/68 meeting. 10-9-68
53 489
City Attorney to prepare ordinance placing
226 - 4th Street from BB Business District to
RE Multiple Family, for 11/6/68. 10-9-68 53 490
Res. #12544 calling hearing 11/20/68 to create
special hospital use district for parking.
10-9-68 53 491
Res. #12545 calling hearing 11/20/68 for 492
rezoning from BAA to RE District: 401, 425, 433, &
445, 449 Ocean Drive. 10-9-68 53 493
Ordinance #1715 adopted, as amended, establishing
off-street parking requirements, effective in 90
days. Mr. Toal to submit analysis of building
permits granted for new buildings to show how
such properties would be affected if new provi-
sions for lot coverage and parking regulations
were to be applied. 10-9-68
Resolution #12547 adopted --hearing called
December 18, 1968 to consider rezoning Lots 12
and 13, Block 32, Ocean Side and Trouville
Sects., Isle of Normandy, to RE. 10-9-68
53 494
53 500
Hearing re. Star Island Zoning set for November 7,
1968 after check for $1,650 was received from
Murry Dubbin representing 22 people. 10-16-68 53 545
Resolution #12559 adopted calling hearing
December 18, 1968 re. amending ordinance to
exclude from BAA Business District and include in 552
RE Multiple -Family, Lot 1, Block 43, Alton Beach &
Bayfront Subdivision. 11-6-68 53 553
Ordinance #1722 adopted creating Area District 77
providing for 40' setback from harbor line and
placing properties on oceanfront from 67th to 75th
Streets in this District. 11-6-68 53 553