Zoning_December 1968ZONING Ordinance #1729 adopted creating RDH Single Family district allowing ground level parking for hospitals therein and placing Miami Heart Institute lots in same (Lots 12-17 - Block 13, Nautilus Addition). 12-4-68 Ordinance passed, 1st and 2nd readings, ex- cluding from BAA and including in RE, Lots 3-9, inc., Block 116, Ocean Beach Addition No. 4 and in Area District No. 78. 12-4-68 Hearing concluded re. rezoning remainder of Block 115, Ocean Beach Addition #4 from BAA to RE 978 BOOK PAGE 54 37 54 55 ZONING 979 BOOK PAGE and appropriate area district. City Attorney 55 to prepare ordinance for December 18, 1968 for & consideration on 1st and 2nd readings. 12-4-68 54 63 Ordinance #1740 adopted establishing lot coverage regulations to go into effect February 6, 1969. 12-4-68 54 65 Ordinance #1739 adopted amending off-street parking regulations design standards to go into effect February 6, 1969. (Ordinance No. 1715, as amended, will go into effect February 6, 1969.) 12-4-68 54 70 ZONING 980 BOOK PAGE Hearing concluded and City Attorney to prepare ordinance to exclude from BAA Business and include in RE Multiple Family District and appropriate area district all of Lot 1, Block 43, Alton Beach Bay Front Sub (west end of Lincoln Road in 1400 Block) for action by Council on January 2, 1969. 12-18-68 54 75 Resolution #12592 adopted calling hearing January 15, 1969 to consider upgrading zoning of Lots 1 through 6, Block 1, Friedman & Cope Subdivision (501 Ocean Drive) from BA to RE. 12-18-68 54 77