Zoning_January 1969ZONING 987 BOOK PAGE Ordinance #1748 adopted excluding from "BAA" and including in "RE" and Area District MF -5, Lot 1, Block 43, Alton Beach Bay Front Sub. (South side of Lincoln Road West of Bay Road). 1-15-69 54 137 Ordinance #1749 adopted excluding from "BAA" and including in "RE" and Area District MF -10, Lots 2 and 3, Block 42, Belleview Sub. (1658 Bay Road). 1-15-69 54 137 Council advised suit has been filed to enjoin City from adoption of ordinance on 3rd and final reading re. excluding from "BA" and including in "RE" and Area District MF -2, Lots 1 - 4, incl., ZONING _988 BOOK PAGE Block A, Atlantic Heights Sub., and Lots 1 - 6, incl., Block 10, Normandy Beach South. (East side of Collins Avenue between 69th and 71st Streets, excluding Golden Sands property). 1-15-69 54 149 Hearing concluded. Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings excluding from "BA" and including in "RE" and Area District MF -9, Lots 2 and 3, Block 5, Ocean Beach Sub., 450 Ocean Drive. 1-15-69 54 144 ZONING Ord. re 450 Ocean Dr., 501 Ocean Dr. & properties on east side of Collins Ave. bet. 69th & 71st Sts. def. to 2/13/69 989 BOOK PAGE 2/5/69 54 158 Hear. concluded re 501 Ocean Dr. Ord. was passed on 1st & 2nd readings amemding Zoning Ord. so as to exclude from "BA" & include in "RE" & Area Dist. MF -4, Lots 1-6 incl., Blk. 1, Friedman & Cope Subd. (Shoreham -Norman property, 501 Ocean Dr.) 1/15/69 Res.#12614 adopted, calling zoning hearing on 3/19/69 to upgrade zoning in area between Alton Rd. & Ocean Dr. & 4th to 5th Sts. 1/15/69 54 135 54 143 . ZONING 981 BOOK PAGE Zoning hearing re. 7218 Trouville Esplanade -- Council permitted withdrawal of request for zoning change on Lots 12 and 13, Block 32, Trouville and Oceanside Sections, Isle of Normandy from RD Single Family to RE Multiple since requirements of Ordinance #1692 not met and directed $75.00 fee be refunded to applicant. 12-18-68 54 81 Hearing concluded and City Attorney to prepare ordinance excluding Lots 2 and 3, Block 42, Belleview Sub. (1658 Bay Road) from BAA and include in RE and appropriate area district, for January 2, 1969. 12-18-68 54 84 ZONING Resolution #12593 adopted calling hearing January 15, 1969 to consider upgrading property, Lots 2 and 3, Block 5, Ocean Beach Subdivision (450 Ocean Drive) from BA to RE. 12-18-68 Final reading of ordinance excluding from BAA district and including in RE district and area district #78, Lots 3-9, inclusive, Block 116, Ocean Beach Addition #4 deferred to January 2, 1969. 12-18-68 982 BOOK PAGE 54 92 54 96 ZONING 983 BOOK PAGE 1st and 2nd readings of ordinance excluding from BAA district and including in RE district and appropriate area district, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, Block 115, Ocean Beach Addition #4 deferred to January 2, 1969. 12-18-68 54 96 Ordinance passed, 1st and 2nd readings, to eliminate conflict between zoning ordinance and South Florida Building Code as to height restrictions to be effective February 6, 1969, adopting South Florida Building Code. 12-18-68 54 96