Zoning_January to February 1969ZONING 990 BOOK PAGE Action def. 2/5/69 on 3rd & final reading amending Zoning Ord. to exclude from "BA" & to include in "RE" & Area Dist. MF -2, Lots 1-4, Incl., Blk A, Atlantic Heights Sub., & Lots 1-6, incl., Blk 10, Normandy Beach So. (East side of Collins Ave. bet. 69th & 71st St., excluding Golden Sands property). Council advised that suit has been filed to enjoin the City from adoption of this ord. on 3rd & final reading. City Atty. advised the he would report outcome of injunction. 1/15/69 54 149 ZONING 991 BOOK PAGE Ord. #1747 amending to exclude from "BAA" &` include in "RE" & Area Dist. MF -4, Lots 1-4 6,7 & 8, Blk 115, Ocean Bch. Addn. #4 (301, 315, 321, 335, 351 & 359 Ocean Dr.) 1/15/69 54 137- Ord. #1748 amending to exclude from "BAA" & include in "RE" & Area Dist. MF -5, Lot 1, Blk. 43, Alton Bch. Bay Front Sub. (S. side of Lincoln Rd. W. of Bay Rd.) 1/15/69 54 137 Ord. #1749 amending to exclude from "BAA" & include in "RE" & Area Dist. MF -10, Lots 2 & 3, Blk 42, Belleview Sub. (1658 Bay Rd.) 1/15/69 54 137 X -ON I NG Ords. amending Zoning Ord. re properties at 450 Ocean Dr., 501 Ocean Dr. & certain properties on E. side of Collins Ave. bet. 69 St. & 71 St. deferred to 2/19/69. 2/13/69 992 BOOK PAGE 54 183 Action deferred to 3/5/69 re final reading of Ord. rezoning certain properties on E. side of Collins Ave. bet. 69 & 71 Sts. 2/19/69 54 Ord. #1754 excluding from "BA" Bus. & including "RE" Multiple -Family & Area Dist. MF -9, Lots 2 & 3, Blk. 5, Ocean Beach Sub. (450 Ocean Dr.). 2/25/69 54 210