Zoning_February to March 1969ZONING Ord. #1755 excluding from "BA" 7 including in "RE" & Area Dist. MF -4, Lots 1-6, Blk. 1 Friedman & Cope Sub. (Shoreham -Norman property). 2/25/69 Res. #12651 adopted - hearing on 3/19/69 to consider excluding from BB & including in RE & an appropriate area district (Lots 5, 6, 7, Blk. 33, Ocean Beach Addition #1) 710-730 Collins Ave. 2/25/69 993 BOOK PAGE 54 210 54 236 ZONING 994 BOOK PAGE Hearing called 5/7/69 re. request to rezone to Re Multiple Family, parcels of land on both sides of Jefferson Ave. (bet. 17 & 18 Sts.) Atty. Brody to tender required fee of $75 from each owner of property involved & furnish legal description of properties to be covered in Res. to City Clerk no later than 4/1/69. 3/5/69 54 260 ZONING Hearing continued to 5/7/69 re Area from Alton Rd. to Ocean Dr. bet. Centerline of 4th St. to Centerline of 5th St. Planning & Zoning Dir. recommended rezoning to 2 new classifications, namely, high density residential & neighborhood business district. 3/19/69 995 BOOK PAGE 54 284 Ord. to be prepared amending Zoning Ord. to exclude from "BAA" Bus. District & in- lude in "RE" Multiple -Family Dist. & Area uist. MF -10, Lot 1 & S. 30' of Lot 2, Blk 41, Belleview Subd. (1321 Lincoln Rd.). 3/19/69 54 287