Zoning_March to April 1969ZONING
Ord. to be prepared amending Zoning Ord.
to exclude from "BB" Business Dist. & in-
clude in "RE" Multiple -Family Dist. & Area
Dist. MF -10, Lots 5,6, & 7, Blk. 33, Ocean
Beach Addition #1, (710-730 Collins Ave.)
54 286
Res. #12656 calling hearing 5/7/69 to consider
amending Zoning Ord. to exclude from the
present use districts & Area districts & in-
clude in existing use districts & appropriate
area districts, or in use districts & area
districts to be created, that area bounded by
Alton Rd., on the W; by Ocean Dr. on the E;
by centerline of 4 St. on the S, & the center-
line of 6St. on the N.3/19/69 54 284
Res. #12677 adopted, calling public hearing on
5/21/69, 3:00 p.m. to amend Zoning Ord. to require
parking areas under bldgs. to be enclosed and not
visible from street 3/19/69
100 Lincoln Rd. Violations --City Atty. reported
status of prosecution of violations. Seiderman
requested Asst. City Atty. Milton Robbins & Chief
Bldg. Inspector M.Z.Reuben to attend Council
briefing session 4/2/69; Englander directs
violations to be prosecuted in Circuit Court and
in Municipal Court. 3/19/69
Book PagE
54 285
54 310
1st & 2nd reading of ord. amending Zoning Ord.
to rezone 710-30 Collins Avenue from BB to RE
and MF -10 (Lots 5,6,7, Block 33, OB#1. 4/2/69 54 312
1st & 2nd reading of ord. amending Zoning Ord.
to rezone 1321 Lincoln Rd. from BAA to RE &
MF -10 (Lot 1 & S.30' Lot 2, Blk.41, Belleview
Subdivision. 4/2/69 54 313
City Atty. Report re. ambiguities in Zoning Ord.
re. boat docks & waterways deferred to 4/16/69.
4/2/69 54 326
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