Zoning_April to May 1970ZONING 1022 Meeting date St. Francis Hospital: rezoning pub. hearing on 5-20-70. RES.12989. 4-1-70 Miami Heart Inst: rezoning pub. hearing on 5-20-70. RES.12990. 4-1-70 Off-street parking for schools - zoning hearing 5-20-70. RES.12994. 4-1-70 Mt. Sinai Hospital: hearing amending Zoning Ord. 5-6-70, RES.12997; discussn of law suit; appearance of atty Wm. Schockett. 4-15-70 ZONING 1023 Meeting date Alton Rd. so. of 5th St.: rezoning hearing on 5-6-70. 4-15-70 hearing continued to 8-19-70; City Mgr.to continue negotia- tions with MTA, atty Cooper for other property on 4-23 ballot re bond issue; City Atty to submit opinion re marina zoning. Rezoning Fox Hospital hearing cont'd. to 6-11-70; must be finalized then. Mt. Sinai: lst, 2nd readings amending zoning Ord. (see "Hospitals") 5-6-70 5-6-70 5-6-70 ZONING Creation of Use District for Burlesque shows, etc.- hearing cont'd. to 6-3-70; guidelines, areas, ordinance to be prepared; appearance by Robt.Frank, Ben Cohen. Setback amendmt to Ord. contin'd. to 5-20-70. Manilow property: discussion re creation of buffer zone. Mt. Sinai Hospital: ORD.1828 rezoning to RH from RE. (see "Hospitals") 1024 Meeting date 5-6-70 5-6-70 5-20-70 5-20-70