Zoning_May to June 1970ZONING Breitbart property: request denied for public hearing on rezoning; appear- ance by Atty Stanley Caiden. Hearing to amend zoning Ord. re setbacks - motion to defer failed - motion on setbacks failed - matter to be rescheduled. Hearing re prohibitions concerning food sales outdoors,exclusion of news- paper sales, etc; police powers dis- cussion re compatability of area and establishment. 1025} Meeting date 5-20-70 5-20-70 5-20-70 ZONING 5th St.rezoning: CC will hold up,pending Dade County acquisition for widening. 1026 Meeting date 5-20-70 Hearing on revisions in proposed new zoning Ord. continued to 6-3. 5-20-70 St.Francis Hosp: Rezoning - ORD.1829. 6-3-70 lst, 2nd readings re prohibitions amendment to Ord. (see bottom of card 1025) - agenda of 6-24. 6-3-70 Burlesque: hearing closed; 1st, 2nd readings amending Ord. prohibiting burlesque near schools,etc.,pornographic displays. 3rd reading 6-24-70. 6-3-7o ZONING 1027 Meeting date Manilow property: to be placed on 6-24 agenda discussion of court decree; stipulation re same made between Atty Sidney Berger and City Atty. Fox Hospital: hearing; request for zoning change withdrawn "with prejudice", per advice of City Atty. Health Planning Council against construction. Accessory uses: hearing today dropped; RES.13038 calling new hearing 8-5-70, amending zoning Ord. re apt. -hotels, business uses, hi -rises prosecution held up. 6-3-7o 6-24-70 6-24-70