Zoning_June to July 1970ZONING 1028 Meeting date Burlesque: amending zoning Ord. re school areas deferred to 7-15. Sale of commodities in enclosed bldqs. ORD.1836 amending ord. Valet Parking: RES.13040 calling hearing 8-5-70 amending Ord. re multiple -family use districts. Boats in single-family area: see BOATS... 6-24-70 6-24-70 6-24-70 6-24, 8-19 (card 46) ZONING Manilow property: Atty Toby Brigham requested rezoning Ord. complying with Court Order; City Atty advised appeal was filed, staying Court Order effect; motion not to appeal failed; City Mgr.to investigate buffer zone, contact property owners re same. Agenda of 7-15. Mt. Sinai Hosp: Expansion, cul-de-sac, etc. (see "Hospitals") 1029 Meeting date 6-24-70 6-24-70 ZONING 1030 Meeting date Island View Hosp: H.P.Forrest requested hearing; RES.13048 for zoning hearing on 8-5-70. Request for hospital submitted to Comprehensive Health Planng Council of So. Fla. for recommendation on 8-5. 7-1-70 Burlesque: Leonard Rivkind proposed Ord. on 7-15 agenda; City Atty to give opinion. Hearing closed re revisions re land use, etc. Workshop to be scheduled. 7-1-70 7-15-70