Zoning_July to August 1970ZONING Hibiscus Island rezoning hearing called 8-5-70 - RES.13052 - requested by Norman Macht. Island View Hospital: RES.13056 (amending 13048) changing zoning hearing to 9-16. 1031 Meeting date Evelyn Daoud appearance and request of following: RES.13076 calling hearing 9-16 re rezoning, excluding from RD, including in RE: Palm View Sub, Amended Golf Course Sub. properties. Study to be made concerning population density; reports to be submitted prior to 9-16 hearing. 7-15-70 7-15-70 8-5-70 ZONING Hibiscus Island rezoning: hearing closed; rezoning denied. 8-5-70 1032 Meeting date CC voted to hold public hearing 12-2-70 re multiple -and single-family zoning re rezoning same. Burlesque: CC failed to approve amendmt to zoning Ord. prohibiting burlesque within 1500 feet of schools, etc. 8-5-70 8-5-70 ZONING 1033 Meeting date Parking at schools; hearing closed; 1st, 2nd readings passed amending zoning Ord. re -number of spaces. Valet parking: hearing closed re amending Ord.permitting license fee; insurance to be considered. 8-5-70 8-5-70 Apt -hotels: hearing continued to 8-19 re amending Ord. re distinctions between apts., hotels, permitting ac- cessory uses; Forte appeared, requestg accessory shops; appearance by Dr.Weil re M.D. secondary office as accessory use. 8-5-70