Zoning_November to December 1970ZONING Parking lot permits to be issued by City Clerk - lst, 2nd readings, amending Zoning Ord. Valet Parking: lst, 2nd passed amend'g Zon'g Ord. Off-street theatre parking: lst, 2nd passed amending Zon'g Ord. requiring specific spaces for seats. 1046 Meeting date 11-25-70 11-25-70 11-25-70 Off-street parking: RES.13156 calling 1-20 hearing restricting use to tenants,etc. 11-25-70 ZONING 1047 Meeting date Accessory uses: lst, 2nd readings passed providing for sundry shops, valet shops, solaria (conditions, exceptions) - will be individual ORDS. 12-2-70 Parking Lots: ORD.1858, approval by City Clerk instead of CC. 12-2-70 Valet Parking: ORD.1860, including as accessory use in H-1, REA; insurance 12-2-70 requirements; Police Chief authorized to promulgate regulations. Off-street Parking for theatres: required - ORD.1861. 12-2-70 ZONING 1048 Meeting date Manilow property: re single-family setbacks: City Atty to file appeal from District Ct. decision. 12-2-70 Hospital side -yd. setbacks: hearing continued to 1-20-71. 12-16-70 Miami Heart: hearing continued to 1-20-71 excluding from RE, including in RH. So.of 5th St., Alton: hearing 2-3-71 re rezoning from RAA; Ralph Cooper to be notified. 12-16-70 12-16-70