Zoning_December 1970 to February 1971ZONING RES.13178 calling hearing 1-20-71, determining changing degree of multiple family to single family . 3rd reading of accessory use ord. def to Accessory Uses: Ord3.deferred to 1-20 for full CC. (sundry shops, solariums, valet shops) Off-st. parking: RES.13188 calling hearing 3-3 to amend Sec.16-B of Ord.289, making off-st.parking uniform. Storefront closings: acceleratn of enforcemt of Ord. suggested by Mr.Goodman. 1049 Meeting date 12-16-70 1-6-71 1-6-71 1-6-71 1-6-71 ZONING 1050 Meeting date Off-st. parking: hearing concluded; City Atty to prepare amendmt to Ord. limiting to use of occupants of premises. 1-20-71 Miami Heart Inst: hearing continued to 2-3 re setbacks, RH District; request for bldg. permit refused; City Atty opinion re permit refusal. 1-20-71 Excluding properties from RE multiple, including in single-family: hearing continued to 4-14 amending Ord. Workshop to be held 1-26 re density study,rezoning north 17St. betw.Jeff.and Lenox, land use and controls,bldg.permits freeze. 1-20-71 ZONING Accessory uses: 0RD.1864 providing for sundry shopstc0RD.1865 providing for saunas,etc.,in apts. Valet shop ord. failed. 1051 Meeting date 1-20-71 Mr.Weinstein suggested in drafting density Ord.,CC to be advised if outside consultant needed. Item on 2-17 to call public hearing, re zoning Ord; prior thereto CC to receive drafts re requirements, etc., to establish hearing dates enabling interested parties to attend. Mgr.to provide schedule of dates for hearings. Reactions to proposed Ord. to be obtained from Metro, A.I.A., etc. 2-3-71