Zoning_March to May 1971ZONING New Ord. to be considered (not reached) - deferred to 4-7. 3-17-71 Normandy Isle (lots 21,22, Blk.39): City Atty's report filed re Court Order re rezoning; public hearing called 5-5 by RES.13244; notice to state rezon'g is per Court Order. 1055 Meeting date 4-7-71 New Ord: Public workshop session_dates established ; will be advertised. 4-7-71 ZONING 1056 Meeting date Rezoning hearing originally scheduled for 4-14 reset to 6-16 (notifications sent out 4-9) in light of (1) density study, (2) new zoning Ord.,(3) zoning workshops. Workshop sessions to be public hearings. Architect Melvin Grossman appeared; discussed time elapse before adoption of new Ord. because of workshops. 4-7-71 New Ord: Adm. to request official report from Metro (request by Mr. Duncan of Metro). 4-21-71 ZONING Flamingo Terr. Ext. (L.5, Blk.9): Jos.Malek requested deferring hearing indefinitely, Some audience protested holding hearing. Hearing continued to 6-2. City Atty to submit opinion t$ CC and Jerry Zeltzer re legality of holding hearing (Weinstein). ORD.1872 creating Districts 80, 81, establishing setbacks for hospitals in RH. RES.13280 for 6-23 hearing amending Ord. prohibiting open -space sales, etc. 1057 Meeting date 4-21-71 4-21-71 5-5-71