Zoning_August to October 1971ZONING Property owners' appearances re new zoning Ord. Goodman, Greene: rezone lst to 88th for hotels on oceanfront. Archi- tect Me] Grossman appeared. New Ord. on 8-4 agenda for call only, then meeting to continue on 8-11. Open-air establishmts: ORD.1888 prohi- biting open -space sales.(exceptions). 1061 Meeting date New Ord.: continued to 8-11. ..0'key,Magnes absent. Recommendatns contained in communicatns from O'Key filed with minutes. Various motions introduced, voted on. Metro Planning rep.appeared. lst, 2nd readings on 8-19. 8-2-71 8-4-71 8-4-71 8-11-71 ZONING Meridian House, Maurice Goldring, requested exception from Ord. - put on 8-19 agenda. Zoning hearing re exclusion from RE and inclusion in single-family "problem areas", CANCELLED. Meridian House: request for bldg.permit under present Ord. Atty ruled CC has no jurisdiction. 1062 Meeting date 8-18-71 8-18-81 8-19-71 New Zoning Ord. passed on 2 readings. 3rd set for 9-1. 8-19-71 ZONING 1063 Meeting date New Zoning ORD. 1891. (Communicatn from Atty Genl Shevin re CC vote on Ord. affecting CMB property.) 9-1-71 ...Proposed amendmt: Magnes proposed exclusions from new Ord; City Atty advised formal hearing unnecessary; CC wants full hearing. Deferred to after 10-13. Greene suggested over-all review of rezonings. CMB v. Cummings: applicable to new zoning Ord. - matter removed from agenda at appli- cant request.