Zoning_October to November 1971ZONING So.side 42 St. betw. Alton & Meridian: consideratn of calling rezoning hearing on 11-3 agenda. 1064 Meeting date 10-20-71 Pinetree no. of 41 St.: Magnes proposal to include in RS1 Single Family; public hearing to be held. 11-3-71 Prairie & 28 St.: request to rezone for church deferred to 11-17. 11-3-71 (1st item above): referred to Planning Bd. 11-3-71 ZONING 1065 Meeting date Magnes motions (3) died : (1) calling public hearing to eliminate from Ord. Planng Comm.power to hold hearings re zoning changes; (2) to terminate Planning Comm. terms immed- iately and reps of all City interests be appointed; (3) calling hearing re PUD zoning on Pine Tree. Requested City Atty to advise Planning Comm. procedure to follow for zoning changes. Request by G.L.McKee of Jehovah's Wit- nesses for public hearing re rezoning 28th St. & Prairie for church DENIED. ZONING MB Restaurant Assn: their request for Ord. changes deferred (re restaurants in apts. for tenants only); Mayor to appoint ad hoc committee to study. P.U.D. ZONING DISTRICTS Councilman Greene's motion that the Planning Commission be directed to hold public hearings concerning PUD Districts in the Pine Tree Drive area and the area, and the area bounded by 17th St., east side of Jefferson Ave., & Dade Canal, to provide that only town houses, garden -type apartments &/or (con't. card #1067) 11-17-71 11-17-71 1066 Meeting date 11-17-71