Zoning_January to February 1972ZONING 1069-A Planning Bd. to conduct public hearing re: P.U.D. district north of 41st St. to make it a true transitional district. Council further requested the Bd. to hold It abeyance the Site Plan for the Consolo property. Authorized, at City expense, attendance Icy a member of Council and Administrative Staff at Zoning and Land Use Seminars in Feb. & Mar., 1972 Meeting Date 1/19/72 1/19/72 ZONING 1070 Planning Bd. reports on zoning matters Meeting Date deferred to 2/16/72 2/2/72 Re: property on So.side of 42nd St. from Alton Rd. to Meridian -deferred to 2/16/72 2/2/72 Re: height limitations on Lots 1-7, inc. Blk.56,Normandy Beach So. and Lots 21-35 Block 2, 2nd Ocean Front Sub. deferred to 2/16/72 2/2/72 Council deferred consideration of acquis. of land on Pine Tree Dr. No. of Arthur Godfrey Rd.'till Planning Bd's hearing 2/2/72 Motion to call hea i tOg s Q g I e si'am i l rezoning i ld' 2/11/72 PUD District N o' ZONING 1071 Meeting Date Res. 13531 adopted calling public hearing 3/9/72 to consider PUD Dist. No. 2, Pine Tree Drive should be retained, reduced or changed to single-family residential zoning 2/11/72 Councilman Weinstein said all dept.heads and reps. of Metro should atte nd. Also a copy of Council's action furnished to M.B. Planning Commission for information. 2/11/72 RES. 13533 calling for hearing 4/5/72 re; South side of 42nd St. bet. Alton & MEridian to be excluded from C-1 neighborhood 2/16/72 and put in RM -60 Multiple Family District