Zoning_March 1972ZONING 1074
Meeting Date
Re: Tract B of Indian Beach Corp., Sub.,
Lots 5-12, Flamingo Bay Sub.:
1. Councilman Magnes' motion that the above
property be excluded from Planned Unit Develop-
ment District #2 and included in RS District #1,
did not receive a 5/7 vote required to change
the zoning ordinance.
2. A motion made by Councilman Rosen to the
effect that City Attorney prepare an ordinance
compatible with PUD #2, taking into consideration
height limitation (2 -story suggested; low density
and lot coverage; was approved by Council. 3/9/72
Report containing recommendation that there
be no change in zoning between Chase Ave.
Pine Tree Dr. and between 37th St. and sooth
boundary of RM -14 District on south side of
of 40 St. deferred to 4/5/72
Re: amending Board of Adjustment procedures,
consideration deferred to 4/5/. Councilman
Greene will confer with City Mgr. re:
specifics that should be clarified.
Consideration of Mar. 9, 1972 zoning hearing
re: PUD No. 2 deferred to 4/5/72
''lanning &Zoning Director submitted report
regarding violations of the zoning ordinance
Meeting Date
Zbhing .10/6
Meeting Date
and actions taken by the City as to enforcement 3/15/72
Planning & Zoning Director submitted specific
report re: action in court on violation re-
ported by Mr. Robert Swedroe at 3487 Chase Ave.,
advising the owner was found guilty. 3/15/72
At Zoning Director's request, City Atty. was
directed to prepare Ordinances giving right
of entry and authority for issuance of summons
to Director's Department.
Councilman Greene indicated he would like to
know reason for dismissal by Court of some
cases filed by the City. Zoning Director will
submit report.