Zoning_March to April 1972ZONING Planning Board Recommendation that they give same type of notice for public hearings as Council, deferred to April 19, 1972 1076A Meeting Date 4/5/72 Zoning 1077 Meeting Date Consideration deferred to 4/19/72 on recommendation there be no change in zoning bet. Chase. Ave & Pine Tree Dr. and bet. 37 St. & south side 40 St. Consideration deferred to 4/19/72 on recommendation following areas be rezoned from RM -14 Multiple Family Residential Dist. to RS -4 Single Family: Lots 8-9,B1k 7, 1st Addn.to Mid.Golf Sub. Lots 5-6,Blk 50, Orchard Subs 2 & 3 Lots 9-17, Blk 51, Orchard Subs. 2 & 3 Lots 9-13, Blk 52, Orchard Subs. 2 & 3 Lots 27-28, Blk.3 ,Flamingo Terr Sub. Lots 10-13, Blk 4, Flamingo Terr. Sub. 4/5/72 Zoning 1078 Meeting Date 2 Ordinances submitted re: P.U.D.Dist.#2, Lots 5,6, and 7 for park purposes. City Mgr. to determine if Ord. to be scheduled on 4/19/72 agenda. 4/5/72 RES. No. 13587 adopted declaring building moratorium in P.U.D. 1 and P.U.D.2 areas for period of 60 days effective 4/5/72 4/5/72 It was requested that in the interim P & Z Director and Planning Bd. review provisions of existing PUD area districts and present recommendations for such amendments as will make them true PUD transitional areas 4/5/72