Zoning_April 1972 (2)Zd11 i Hg Meeting Date Re: amending zoning ordinance to exclude from C-1 Neighborhood district and to in- clude in RM -60 Multiple Family Medium Density District, all of B ock 6 and 7, 41st Street Business Sub. (two block area on S. side of W.40 St. bet. Alton Rd and Meridian Av.) and City Attorney directed to prepare an appropriate amendment for Council action 4/19/72 4/5/72 Zoning hearing cancelled re; imposition of height limitation on Lots 1-7, Block 56, Normandy Golf Course Sub.(description in error) and The Council voted to referto the planning Board for consideration of the followin Creation of a 25' height limitation on Lots -2 Bloc 55, Lots 1-9, Block 57 'Zoning 10$0.. Meeting Date Normandy Golf Course Sub. and Tract 8, North Isle of Normandy, and subsequent recommendation to Council. 4/5/72 Planning Board requested to resubmit its recommendation for creation of a 25' height limitation on 1mts 1-17, Block 56, Normandy Golf Course Sub. 4/5/72 Council denied the request of a sign company and major oil company for change in Zoning Ordinance to permit installation of larger signs in gas stations. 4/5/72 ZONING Hearing to be held by Planning Bd. on Apr. 26 at 4PM re: application of Royal Palm Villas to construct an apt. bldg. in PUD No. 1, filed 4/5/72 Planning & Zoning Dept. Inspectors having right of entry and to issue summons - discussion deferred to 4/19/72 4/5/72 Consideration of an amendment to Chapter 16 of the Code by adding a new section regulating manner of selling merchandise, deferred to 5/3/72 and City Atty. requested to confer with Planning & Zoning Dir. and Senior Zoning Inspector in interim 1081 Meeting Date 4/19/72