Zoning_April 19721081
Meeting Date
Recommendation there be no change in zoning
bet. Chase Ave.& Pine Tr. Dr. bet. 37 St.
fronting south side of 40th St. accepted. 4/19/72
Recommend. the following areas be rezoned
from RM -14 Multiple Family Residential
Dist. to RS -4 Single Family District:
Lots 8,9, Blk.7, 1st Addn. to Mid Golf Sub.,
Lots 5-6, Blk.50,Orchard Subs 2 & 3
Lots 9-17, B1k 51, Orchard Subs.2 & 3
Lots 9-13, B1k.52, Orchard Subs. 2 & 3
Lots 27-28,Blk 3, Flamingo Terr Sub.
Lots 10-13, Blk 4, Flamingo Terr. Sub.
Located South side of 40 St. between
gbase& Indian Creek.
3591 for hearing 6/7/72 @ 3P.M.
zONING 1082
Meeting Date
Ord. amending Zoning Ord. 1891 to include
from C-1 Neighborhood District and to in-
clude in Rm-60 Multiple Family Medium
Density Dist. All of Blocks 6 & 7, 41 St.
Bus. Sub (2 -block area on south side of 42nd
St. bet. Alton Rd. & Meridian Ave.) was passed
on first reading 4/19/72
Action deferred to 5/3/72 re: proposed
amending Zoning Ord. 1891, granting Planning
& Zoning Director authority to issue summons
and right of entry re: violations of zoning
Ordinances amending Or.No.1891 establishing
height,lot coverage and density restrictions
for Lots 5-12, F'amingo Bay Sub. No. 1, and
Tract B, Indian Beach Corp. were not acted on,
but an ord. was passed amending Zoning Ord.
1891, so as to exclude from Planned Unit Devel.
Dist. No. 2, and to include in RS Dist. No. 1, the
following properties:
Lots 5-12, Flamingo Bay Sub. No. 1, and Tract B.
Indian Beach Corp. Sub. 4/19/72
RES. NO. 13598 adopted, calling hearing on
May 17, 1972 at 3 P.M. to consider amending
Zoning Ord. No. 1891 "to include requiremetht
that Planning Bd. shall give same type of notice
o pubd i as is required of Council in re:
holdiru or public hearings" 4/19/72
Meeting Date