Zoning_April to May 1972ZONING Councilman Greene expressed wish for study by Planning & Zoning Director of possible effect of large park in middle of Estate zoning. Ord. No. 1913 adopted, amending No. 1891 to exclude from PUD, Dist. #2 and to include in RS District #1, Lots 5-12 Flamingo Bay Sub. No. 1 and Tract B. Indian Beach Corp. 5/3/72 Ord. #1914 adopted, amending #1891 to ex- clude from C-1 District and to include in RM -60 Multiple Family Med. Density Dist. All of Blocks 6 & 7, 41st St. Bus. Sub.(two block areaQp south side of 42nd st. bet. Alton rd. Meridian Ave. 1083 fleeting Date 4/19/72 ZONING 5/3/72 1084 Meeting Date Planning Bd. on Apr. 26, approved the site plan for Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 8, Amended Plat Golf Course Sub (1821 Jefferson Ave.) but all trees be kept as shown on plan. 5/3/72 ZONING RES. No. 13608 adopted calling a hearing on June 7, 1972, at 3:30 P.M. to consider 5/3/72 above issue. Councilman Weinstein asked Administration to furnish Council with analysis of this request, the number of units, lot coverage, and that it complies in every respect with the new zoning ordinance. 5/3/72 Councilman Greene also requested a determina- tion whether project is in compliance with new landscaping of parking areas ordinance. 5/3/72 1085 Meeting Date