Zoning_June 1972 (2)t6NING
Re: the handling of planning Bd. reports, it
is Council policy, whenever the Bd. makes a
recommendation to Council it will be shown on
the Council meeting agenda and if Council
(continued on 1094)
beSrequested0iorFR'uOLuCity Mgr. it will
Ord. 1921 adopted amending Zoning
Ord. No. 1891, so as to require Planning
Bd. to give notice of public hearings in
same manner as the City Council.
Hearing conducted and concluded on recommenda-
tion of M.B.Planning Bd. that properties on
South Side of 40 St. bet. Chase Ave. & Indian
Crrek be excluded from RM -14, Multiple Family
residential District and included in RS -4,
Single Family Dist.
Meeting Date
Ord. passed on 1st reading, amending
'2ONING 1095
Meeting Date
Zoning Ord. 289 to exclude following
properties from RM -14 and include in RS -4:
Lots 8-9,Block 7,lst Addn.to Mid Golf Sub.
5-6,Block 50, Orchard Subs #2 & #3
9-17,Block 51, " �1
9-13,Block 52, " it
27-28,Block 3, Flamingo Terr. Sub.
10-13,Block 4, " 11
Hearing concluded RES. no. 13644 approving
Site Plan of Lots 12,13 and14, Amended
Golf Course Sub (1821 Jefferson Ave.) To be
prepared by City Atty. for inclusion in records
of this meeting