Zoning_June 1972oNIN1099
Meeting Date
Discussion as to procedure of handling
Planning Bd. reports. As matter of policy,
whenever Planning Bd. makes a recommendation
to Council it will be shown on Council
meeting agenda and if Council wants a report
from City Mgr. it will be requested. 6/7/72
Ord. 1924 adopted amending Zoning Ord. 1891,
by removing properties on So. Side of 40 St.
bet. Chase Ave.&Indian Creek (Lots 8-9,
Block 7, 1st Add'n. Mid Golf Sub; Lots 5-6
Block 50, Orchard Sub. No. 2&3; Lots 9-17, Block
51, Orchard Subs. 2 &3; lots 9-13, Block 52,
Orchard Subs. 2 & 3, Lots 27-28, Block 3 and
Lots 10 - 13, Block 4, Flamingo Terrace Sub.
from RM 14 Mul. Family District and including
in RS -4 Single Family District.
Council voted to refer request of Shalom
Nursing & Conv. Home (550 -9th Tt.) for change
of zoning from C-1 Business Dist. to RH-
Hospital Dist. to Planning Bd. for study. 6/2$/72
Council voted to refer` request to the
Comprehensive Health Planninc Council for review. 6/2$/72
Council voted to refer request for rezoning
of Lots 1, 19 and 20, Block 19, Palm View
Subdivision (No. side of 17 St. bet. Lenox
and Michigan Ave.) to Planning Bd. for study
and recommendation. Also, Mr. Steinberg
(Cuban Hebrew Congregation) to discuss with
City.Atty. as to whether this matter would
be considered a Conditional Use, or zoning
change by Planning Bd. 6/21/72
Recommendation that Sec. 10 of zoning ordinance
1891 be amended so requirements for off-street
loading spaces for residentail bldgs. be determined
on basis of number of units therein rather than
total square footage of bldg. presented. 7/19/72
Meeting Date